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The Financial Flipside Podcast

The Financial Flipside is, in part, a podcast for entrepreneurs, but it’s not only that. We also talk about the politics of money and the way that economic issues impact our daily lives. Our episodes cover everything from trade to tax reform, from cash flow to credit, from the history of money to the economics of immigration, all in a way that is frank, accessible, and (hopefully) fun.

May 22, 2018

For relatively small  bits of paper and metal, money carries a lot of weight. It is (supposedly) both the root of all evil and the key to happiness In our particular capitalist society, we both venerate and distrust people who have managed to acquire a lot of money. It is at once a source of anxiety and a source of comfort.  In short: our relationship with money is complicated.


In today’s episode, we engage in literal #realmoneytalk. We discuss the history of money, its power in our lives, and how the almost mystical power we’ve ascribed to money can make it really hard to talk about. We also touch on the consequences of not talking about money because it’s scary or taboo or because we don’t know how. We can’t promise to demystify money in half an hour, but we do have some practical tips for building a less fear-based relationship with the contents of your wallet.


Mentioned in this episode:

Money makes the man.

The history of money

Who decides how much money is worth?

What causes currency to change in value?  

Can money buy happiness? According to one study, it depends on how you spend it.

What is the difference between fiat money (i.e., money that, like the US dollar, has value because of a government decree) and legal tender (i.e., money that you can use to repay a debt)?

How to read financial news